تحويل الروابط لدعم الموقع ليستمر في تقديم المحتوي بشكل مجاني

An original life style!

An original life style! 


People who live the outdoors life style are called “outdoorsy“.

The outdoorsy person is someone who is related to nature and camping, a person who likes fresh air and everything natural and fresh.

So many people like to try this kind of life style but they’re afraid, so basically the first step to realize living  outdoors is going out from the comfort zone, to keep the comfort of civilisation away! And start taking it in action. If You like this lifestyle but still,you can’t change your ordinary life in the city, The last part of this article will be interesting for you so keep reading.

Now, let's see some benefits of living outdoors shared by some outdoorsy people.

  • Some researchers have shared an interesting study that says that being outdoors improves short term memory, in fact, having a nature walk gives you a great and effective break from your busy life. 
  • Walking outside under the trees will actually changes the physical  expression of stress in your body.So if you're looking for a relaxing life  without any sort of stress. Life outdoors is the perfect choice for you.
  • In another interesting study it has shown that staying outdoors improves creativity. Scientists have discovered that staying outdoors for only four days will boost your creativity 50%! we all know that most inspiring people got their inspiration when they were between trees and in nature, a common example is the story of Isaac Newton and the apple tree ( Legend has it that young Isaac Newton was sitting under an apple tree when he was bonked on the head by a falling piece of fruit, a 17th-century “aha moment” that prompted him to suddenly come up with his law of gravity. )  
  • when being outside, your body will have as much advantage as possible of the sunlight. Sunlight as the studies say, promotes the production of vitamin D, which has so many benefits on the human body such as ,building the muscles. 
  • Who doesn’t need to improve their cognitive abilities? Being out side improves and boosts the cognitive ability of human. So you see the outdoorsy people can carry out any task from the simplest to the most complicated one, they solve problems, remember things and pay attention better than those who live their daily life in the city.

So now you know what are the benefits of living outdoors, here are some pieces of advice if you ever decided to give it a try :

  1. Choose a perfect place to settle: your place should be safe and provides you living without being disturbed 
  2. Make sure to have a shelter, it would protect you from animals or bad weather.
  3. A sleeping bag is necessary to get a comfortable sleeping and to get warm in the winter. 
  4. Always carry with you fresh water. 
  5. Make sure you know some necessary survival skills, such as, building a fire, fishing and taking care of minor injuries .. etc.

At the end, if you like living outdoors but you can’t do it for any reason,  here are some tips to get the nature benifits in indoors.

  • Get larger windows and skylights. 
  • Remove all window dressings and let your house receive as much daylight as possible. 
  • Put your desk near the window to get exposure to sunlight and fresh air. 
  • Decorate your house with plants and green things, green color reduces stress around. 
  • Plan for trips to nature and calm places  from time to time, you can have lunch with your family or friends under a tree or at the beach.

Nature is a gift for us human beings, it gives us so much advantages and heals lots of our health issues, so let’s take care of it and stop ruining it by our irresponsible acts!


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