An original life style!

An original life style! 


People who live the outdoors life style are called “outdoorsy“.

The outdoorsy person is someone who is related to nature and camping, a person who likes fresh air and everything natural and fresh.

So many people like to try this kind of life style but they’re afraid, so basically the first step to realize living  outdoors is going out from the comfort zone, to keep the comfort of civilisation away! And start taking it in action. If You like this lifestyle but still,you can’t change your ordinary life in the city, The last part of this article will be interesting for you so keep reading.

Now, let's see some benefits of living outdoors shared by some outdoorsy people.

  • Some researchers have shared an interesting study that says that being outdoors improves short term memory, in fact, having a nature walk gives you a great and effective break from your busy life. 
  • Walking outside under the trees will actually changes the physical  expression of stress in your body.So if you're looking for a relaxing life  without any sort of stress. Life outdoors is the perfect choice for you.
  • In another interesting study it has shown that staying outdoors improves creativity. Scientists have discovered that staying outdoors for only four days will boost your creativity 50%! we all know that most inspiring people got their inspiration when they were between trees and in nature, a common example is the story of Isaac Newton and the apple tree ( Legend has it that young Isaac Newton was sitting under an apple tree when he was bonked on the head by a falling piece of fruit, a 17th-century “aha moment” that prompted him to suddenly come up with his law of gravity. )  
  • when being outside, your body will have as much advantage as possible of the sunlight. Sunlight as the studies say, promotes the production of vitamin D, which has so many benefits on the human body such as ,building the muscles. 
  • Who doesn’t need to improve their cognitive abilities? Being out side improves and boosts the cognitive ability of human. So you see the outdoorsy people can carry out any task from the simplest to the most complicated one, they solve problems, remember things and pay attention better than those who live their daily life in the city.

So now you know what are the benefits of living outdoors, here are some pieces of advice if you ever decided to give it a try :

  1. Choose a perfect place to settle: your place should be safe and provides you living without being disturbed 
  2. Make sure to have a shelter, it would protect you from animals or bad weather.
  3. A sleeping bag is necessary to get a comfortable sleeping and to get warm in the winter. 
  4. Always carry with you fresh water. 
  5. Make sure you know some necessary survival skills, such as, building a fire, fishing and taking care of minor injuries .. etc.

At the end, if you like living outdoors but you can’t do it for any reason,  here are some tips to get the nature benifits in indoors.

  • Get larger windows and skylights. 
  • Remove all window dressings and let your house receive as much daylight as possible. 
  • Put your desk near the window to get exposure to sunlight and fresh air. 
  • Decorate your house with plants and green things, green color reduces stress around. 
  • Plan for trips to nature and calm places  from time to time, you can have lunch with your family or friends under a tree or at the beach.

Nature is a gift for us human beings, it gives us so much advantages and heals lots of our health issues, so let’s take care of it and stop ruining it by our irresponsible acts!

The Right behavior

The Right Words 

Every set of market will always have their own “insider terms.” These are the terms that are being used in their inner circle. If you don’t know about these terms, then there’s no way you will be able to connect with them. Let’s say that you are an internet marketer… Then you must know words like: squeeze page, landing page, SEO, click through rate and all that mumbo jumbo. These are normal terms in their world.

How to connect with them

How will you be able to connect with them if you have no idea what these terms means? Knowing the right words means that you are “in” the group. It means that you are part of the tribe. When you don’t know the market’s language, then It will feel like being in a foreign country. You’ll feel lost because you won’t understand what they’re saying. But the moment you learn (and they realize that you know) how to speak their language, you instantly become part of the ecosystem. You can now socialize and now have the ability to connect.

What these words mean

Study the “insider terms” of your market and know exactly what these words mean. In addition, learn how to use them in conversations. It’s not enough that you know what it means. You also have to know what it does and its importance in the market.

The Right Body Language

Your body language speaks volume about what you’re conveying. Sometimes, your words may say one thing but your body language will show another. The most important ones to know are eye contact, hand gestures, and posture. For eye contact, it's always a good idea to follow the 50% rule. Look in the eyes of the person you're talking to 50% of the time. Staring at her for the entire conversation is just plain creepy! For the hand gestures, put your hand on the side 50% of the time and then use your hand when you’re discussing something a little bit more interesting. For the posture, stand up straight/sit up straight with your shoulders back. When you’re trying to show that you’re interested and listening attentively, move your head a little bit forward to the direction of your conversation partner. These are the basics that will help you get started in improving your social skills via body language.
Choose one body language and start applying it on your next conversation. You will feel awkward in the beginning because you’re going to think about what you’re doing. So relax and listen to your friend attentively. Once you’ve done this enough, it’ll start to feel more natural to you and you’ll immediately see the benefits of getting your body language on point.

How to show yourself

How to show yourself


Dress to Impress

Whether we like it or not, people will always judge a book by its cover. Also, people will always have a stereotype of who we are just by looking at our clothes. My advice is to wear something based on the occasion. If you’re at work, and it’s very professional there, then use a tailored suit. It doesn’t have to be mega expensive. The key to dressing well is the fit. The materials used is also important but the fit is what will determine whether you look good on a suit or not. If you’re in a business conference, don’t try to be cool and wear shorts. First of all, you’re a d*ck if you do that. Second of all, you’re not going to be taken seriously by potential business partners. So dress according to the occasion. This will boost your confidence a lot. It’s been proven that wearing a nice fitting suit or dress makes you feel good about yourself. It’s not always cheap but the right pair of suit is always worth the price.

What you have to do ?

Go watch YouTube videos on what to wear during certain occasions. Dressing well can easily double your confidence as long as it is the right fit. The right dress will make you feel like a King or a Queen.

Momentum Builder

One of the most underrated confidence-builder is momentum. When you feel like the momentum is on your side, keep going and don’t stop working! When it feels like everything you touch turns into gold, the keep on reaching! This is not the time to stop and reflect. This is the time to take action. Trust me, momentum can shift fast. So use it to your advantage. Momentum seems to work not just in the physical aspect of the word, but also in our actions. Stuff like writing every day, selling your products, or winning sports games. Momentum is powerful and it can build your confidence fast. Just ride the wave and keep working.
Notice when you’re having a momentum in what you’re doing. Did you get a 4 game winning streak? Great, keep doing the same thing that helped you win 4 straight games. Don’t change strategy. Don’t overthink things and just follow

Building a romance brand

Building a romance brand


There are currently, give or take, a bajillion books for sale on Amazon, with more being uploaded every day. I typed “contemporary romance” into Amazon’s search box and got 376,314 books with those keywords. OMG! How can I possibly compete?
I’ll go mad if I try to come up with something that’s never been done before. Especially as, I talk befor about including tropes that every other romance author is writing about! So… instead, I write what I enjoy, and gradually, over time, my readers have come to know what to expect from my books. That’s my brand. Most (but not all) of my stories are set in New Zealand, where I live. But that’s not necessarily my brand. My tagline is “hot and sultry contemporary romances,” because many of them are set in the sub-tropical Northland, and they’re steamy.

Is that my Unique Selling Point?

Well, I’m hardly the only New Zealander to write romance stories, so I’m certainly not unique! But all my books are deeply passionate, all my heroes are strong and likeable, and all my heroes are confident and lovable. Readers know they’re going to get stories that feature deeper themes (such as my Three Wise Men series, where the heroes meet single moms who have kids with problems). They know the characters always have a happily-ever-after. And they know the stories are likely to have some connection with New Zealand. All rolled together, that makes up my brand. I can write a book set in another country and my readers will follow me because they know the type of story they’re going to get. What I try not to do is switch heat levels. If readers like sweet books, they might be outraged to find sex in a story, and if they love steamy, they can find sweet books dull. So, once you’ve decided what genre of romance you want to write, and what heat level, try to stick to it.

The romance novel picked apart


That’s in capitals because it’s possibly the most important lesson in writing romance. This is one thing you cannot change. If your book doesn’t have a happy ending, you will disappoint your reader, and they will not buy more of your books. Don’t think you can be the one author who can write romance and make it ‘different’ by not letting the characters have their HEA. It won’t work. Don’t want to write a happy ending? Choose another genre, like women’s fiction. What length should my romance be? Romance books can be any length you like. I’ve successfully sold short stories (up to 10,000 words), novelettes (10–17k), novellas (17–40K ), short novels (40–60K ), and long novels, (60–100K ). (Oh, and epic fantasy at 160K , but that’s another story!) After saying that, it’s common to get complaints on reviews if a book is considered too short, but it’s rare for a reader to complain a book is too long. However, many successful romance writers have made an excellent living from writing novella-length books, either in series or as serials. (Readers say they hate serials, but they often sell well.) Harlequin novels can be as short as 50K . Both Harlequin and Entangled have guidelines for their various lines if you want a better idea of what length to write. My Samhain editor once told me their perfect length for a contemporary romance was 60,000 words. (Suspense and paranormal are often longer, because they tend to have more complicated sub-plots that need to be worked through.) I think 50–80K is a good length for a romance—plenty of room to develop conflict and character, but not too long to bore the reader.

Discover your truth

Discover your truth

There is a truth in what you believe in. if you believe that the world is evil and full of threats and people are lurking only to hurt you, it will be your truth and you will act according to it. Have you ever thought of the reason some people have sorrow or anger painted on their faces? Which thoughts have caused those negative feelings to show up on their faces? What truths do these people believe in? If they believed in the world being good and people being helpful, could you see that sadness, sorrow or anger on their faces? Could that facial expression be caused by joyous and positive thoughts?
Unfortunately, it couldn’t. Our thoughts shape our world and what we believe in becomes our world. I will describe it using an example from my own life. When I associated the word love with control, addiction and pain I could only attract guys that made me feel controlled, codependent and pain. My truth about love caused each relationship to incite pain; it quickly became routine and monotonous. I was repeatedly controlled and I suffered not knowing why that was so. Relationships were superficial and I tried to get out of them quickly. I often ran from the feeling of love and when I felt that someone cared about me, I became cold and dry. I did not want to be hurt and rejected again so I rejected men. If you want a good, nourishing relationship you need to stop thinking that a relationship is pain and control. If you don’t, you will only encounter men that make you feel the same way you fear to be treated. You will subconsciously enjoy being treated like that, because you can then justify your previous thoughts about your concept of love, it responded to your truth so it must be a universal truth.

Starting talking to yourself

How about turning the situation around and starting talking to yourself about the type of love you want? You want love based on partnership and you still think that men are pigs? They only think about one thing, they want to use and leave you, they cheat and ignore you? If so, you will keep finding men on your life’s path who will meet your thoughts and what you have thought about in darkest scenarios will come true, you will fall into sorrow and be flooded with a wave of sorrow and disappointment and you will be asking your hurt soul why is that so? Why do you keep meeting the same assholes on your path who do not take you into account? Start thinking about what kind of love you deeply desire today and repeat it many times. Instead of: “I don’t want to get hurt.” think: “I want a love which will take me as I am and accept all of my advantages and limitations. I want a love that will give warmth, the feeling of safety and support. It is incredibly important what you say to yourself. Your life is a reflection of your own thoughts. Do you remember how good your life was, how everything came together when you were in love and you only thought positively? That is exactly the life’s causative superpower. That power is in us and we take the strength to act away from it. How many times did you complain that you did not want something? And how many times later have you managed to achieve your goal with such a mindset? What we believe in shapes our world. It is not the situation in which we are in that sets the trend to our life but how we approach it emotionally. For one person a spring rain can be the best time for a walk, for another it will be a reason to complain and to get angry. It is our individual approach to matters that shapes our lives.

Do not listen to your mind

Do not listen to your mind which will give you a million of dark prompts. There is a ninety percent chance that they will not take place, these are just your deeply embedded convictions that cause you to believe in it and you still end up in the same place. Listen to the voice of your heart that is where the basis of the truth about you is. If the voice of your heart is telling you that you are in a wrong relationship with the wrong person, you might want to get out of it. We often look for people who give our life meaning whereas we can give meaning to it ourselves and be happy and fulfilled women. We will eventually fall into freezing water if we do not accept and love ourselves. Find your truths and stick to them as if they were the road sign to being a happy and brave woman. No matter how many mistakes you have made along the way because who has not made them? I think that there are no failures in life, there are only lessons and you are either successful or you have a lesson to learn on how to be a better you.


Listen to your heart and do not let other persuade you that you have chosen the wrong path because you know best.
Think positively about yourself
be patient. Life finds a way.
Point positive road signs to your life and you will reach a place where your deepest dreams are. Do not resist when you hear the voice of your heart. It is the right, causative voice that wants the best for you. Trust it and follow the direction of the

How To Put A Face To The Brand

How To Put A Face To The Brand 

1. Become a Problem Solver 

People have a natural tendency to admire and follow those who can solve their problems. If your followers perceive you as a problem solver, they’ll think of you as a leader in your industry, especially if they’ve tried asking for a solution from your competitors. 

Solving a person’s problem breaks down the invisible barrier between companies and customers. Relationships start to form and trust is created. However, make sure that you stick to solving problems that are related to your brand or your industry. Even if you or your staff believe that they know a solution to a problem that is totally unrelated to your brand or industry, it’s best if you steer the conversation back to related problems. Your time on social media is limited, so limit the problems you try to solve to topics that can help you improve brand awareness.  

2. Interact with your followers 

On all your social media accounts, interact with your followers. When you create interesting posts and the followers post some comments, it is important to respond to them. If you want to build a relationship with your followers, you need to spend the time to interact with them. This is what social media is all about. By interacting with your followers, you’ll give them the impression that you appreciate the time they spent to comment on your posts and that you’re willing to spend some time to communicate with them. The advantage of interacting with your followers is that you’ll create a way to find out what they need so you can respond accordingly. 

3. Be personable 

Never distance yourself from your potential customers, especially on social media. Although you need to be professional in interacting with your followers, you’ll need to be personable as well. One area where you can take this approach is when responding to questions or concerns. Many companies love providing standard responses and they end up sounding like automated response systems. People expect personal interaction when they visit social media networks. They do not want to interact with robots. 

If you keep using standard responses to people’s questions, your followers may skip your page and just call your customer service hotline. This is where you can get an edge over your competitors. People don’t expect personal responses from companies. If you respond personally to their questions and make them feel that they’re communicating with a person, they’ll know that you’re truly interested with their concerns. There may even come a time when you’ll get a lot of people asking questions on your social media page. It can become difficult, or maybe even impossible, to individually respond to their questions. When this happens, you can create posts addressing a certain question and provide a link to that post when somebody asks, instead of having to repeat the same information over and over again. 

4. Show that you’re human 

When people think of companies, they think of products, buildings, and other inanimate objects. Social media is a way to show your customers that you are human, you have passions, and that you have needs like they do. People don’t build meaningful relationships with objects, only humans and other living things. If they’re stuck with the perception that you’re just another company, they’ll treat you as if you were an object. 

If you want to reach a personal level with your followers, you need to show them that you are a real, caring human being. They need to know that things that affect them can also affect you. Showing them that you also have a need to socialize will let them know that you’re with them not just to promote your products, but as someone who they can view as one of their online friends. 

5. Engage more on weekends 

The best time to build a relationship with your followers is during their spare time. However, statistics show that most companies are inactive on social media sites during weekends where their customers have time to spend socializing. Imagine calling a company on a weekend expecting to hear an automated response, but instead someone actually answers your call. 

Unless you were calling customer service, most companies shut down for weekends. It’s exactly the same way on social media. People just don’t expect companies to be active during weekends. Imagine their surprise if you were posting or replying to their comments. Doing something that people don’t expect is a good way to build relationships, as long as what you do is positive in nature. Another reason why you should engage in social media on weekends is because this is when your followers tend to be more relaxed. It may cost you a little bit more to have staff working during the weekend, but there’s a good chance of improving your ROI since this is when most of your followers will be available.

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