تحويل الروابط لدعم الموقع ليستمر في تقديم المحتوي بشكل مجاني




Some explanations are provided here for your information and understanding.  “Bugging Out” is the decision to temporarily (or permanently) say bye-bye and leave your home behind, to get to a safer destination in the event of a large-scale disaster.  When you bug out, you may or may not be able to leave with your vehicle. This is why most preppers suggest you have a bugout bag stocked and ready to walk to your safer destination if needs be. Some preppers are really prepared on this one. They know what their ‘safer destination’ is, and they have a plan and a route to get there on foot.
And guess what else? Some of them bury a separate bug out bag at intervals along their route to that ‘safer destination’. Why? Well, let’s say your safer destination is 5 days walk away from your home. 5 days’ worth of food, supplies and essentials can weigh a LOT. So preppers bury bugout bags at 2 to 3-days walking intervals. Look, I’m not suggesting you do that. If you do, that’s great. But at least have one bugout bag per family member, all ready to go, and stored as close as possible to your front or back door for immediate exit if needed. Here are the lists of items needed for a well-stocked bugout bag, sorted by supply type.


Most important, as the body can’t go over 72 hours without water, yet it can go up to 3 weeks without food. Have a 1 liter minimum, per day, per person. Highly recommended.
Here are the items that man sites recommend.

  • Drinking Water (3 Liters) 
  • Water Filters / Purification Systems  
  • Water Purification Tablets (Qty 3)  
  • Collapsible Water Bottle  
  • Hard Water Bottle  
  • Metal Water Bottle / Canteen


Have a variety of off-the-shelf, dehydrated, store-bought items. Consider non-perishable food items, where some require water and some that don’t, as there’s no way to predict how scarce the water supply will be. Assume it will be scarcer than you think. Plan for enough food to last a minimum of three days. Also, take metal cooking utensils and cookware. They last longer and can’t get busted on while you’re bugging out.  

  • P-38 Can Opener 
  • Metal Cooking Pot  
  • Metal Cup  
  • Pot Scrubber  
  • Portable Stove  
  • Protein / Energy Bars (Qty 6 per person)  
  • MREs / Dehydrated Meals (Qty 3 per person)  
  • Spork (all-in-one spoon plus fork)  
  • Stove Fuel (Qty 8 Tablets)


Choose comfortable, warm, stretchy and breathable clothes.
Pack in layers. Consider time of year and climate. You need at least two changes of clothes per family member (and 4 for children). That way you’ll always have a dry set to wear and can avoid hypothermia.  

  • Lightweight Long Sleeve Shirt 
  • Convertible (Zip-Off) Pants  
  • Underwear  
  • Wool Hiking Socks (Qty 3 pair)  
  • Medium Weight Fleece  
  • Hat w/ Flex Brim  
  • Working Gloves  
  • Rain Poncho  
  • Shemagh


Don’t skimp on these. Many come in lightweight formats and all of them will help you to be more comfortable in the elements. During an emergency that requires bugging out, you need a restful sleep more than any other time in your life.  

  • Tarp 
  • Tent  
  • Sleeping Bag  
  • Ground Pad  
  • Wool Blanket


Staying warm when bugging out can keep you alive and keep you eating healthy foods. The survivalist mantra around items that provide heat, light and protection is this:
“Where there are two, there’s one. Where there’s one, there’s none.” This means you are a sure goner if you’re primary item fails and you have no backup. This is why many recommend 3 or even 4 of the following items in your bugout bag.  

  • Ignition Source (Qty 3) 
  • Tinder (Qty 3)  
  • Waterproof Storage


There are so many first aid kits out there, yet we know that some things in the kit always run out and others are underused. This is why you want to have some of the following additional first aid items ready.  

  • First Aid Kit 
  • Insect Repellant  
  • Mylar Survival Blanket  
  • Burn kit  
  • Extra plastic and fabric bandages


Never underestimate good hygiene. Don’t believe for a moment that you can run away from a pandemic, and that just because you bugged out, you’re safe. There are worse illnesses you can easily get from improper hand washing and poor hygiene. These can be the little things that make a big difference when you bug out.  

  • Wet Napkins 
  • Hand Sanitizer  
  • All-Purpose Camp Soap  
  • Hygiene/Signal Mirror  
  • Small Pack Towel  
  • Travel Toilet Paper (Qty 2)  
  • Feminine Products  
  • Face tissues


Stick to the basics in this area. Not everyone can or wants to carry guns and rifles, so choose to your preference. And have 2 or 3 backups.


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