تحويل الروابط لدعم الموقع ليستمر في تقديم المحتوي بشكل مجاني

Discover your truth

Discover your truth

There is a truth in what you believe in. if you believe that the world is evil and full of threats and people are lurking only to hurt you, it will be your truth and you will act according to it. Have you ever thought of the reason some people have sorrow or anger painted on their faces? Which thoughts have caused those negative feelings to show up on their faces? What truths do these people believe in? If they believed in the world being good and people being helpful, could you see that sadness, sorrow or anger on their faces? Could that facial expression be caused by joyous and positive thoughts?
Unfortunately, it couldn’t. Our thoughts shape our world and what we believe in becomes our world. I will describe it using an example from my own life. When I associated the word love with control, addiction and pain I could only attract guys that made me feel controlled, codependent and pain. My truth about love caused each relationship to incite pain; it quickly became routine and monotonous. I was repeatedly controlled and I suffered not knowing why that was so. Relationships were superficial and I tried to get out of them quickly. I often ran from the feeling of love and when I felt that someone cared about me, I became cold and dry. I did not want to be hurt and rejected again so I rejected men. If you want a good, nourishing relationship you need to stop thinking that a relationship is pain and control. If you don’t, you will only encounter men that make you feel the same way you fear to be treated. You will subconsciously enjoy being treated like that, because you can then justify your previous thoughts about your concept of love, it responded to your truth so it must be a universal truth.

Starting talking to yourself

How about turning the situation around and starting talking to yourself about the type of love you want? You want love based on partnership and you still think that men are pigs? They only think about one thing, they want to use and leave you, they cheat and ignore you? If so, you will keep finding men on your life’s path who will meet your thoughts and what you have thought about in darkest scenarios will come true, you will fall into sorrow and be flooded with a wave of sorrow and disappointment and you will be asking your hurt soul why is that so? Why do you keep meeting the same assholes on your path who do not take you into account? Start thinking about what kind of love you deeply desire today and repeat it many times. Instead of: “I don’t want to get hurt.” think: “I want a love which will take me as I am and accept all of my advantages and limitations. I want a love that will give warmth, the feeling of safety and support. It is incredibly important what you say to yourself. Your life is a reflection of your own thoughts. Do you remember how good your life was, how everything came together when you were in love and you only thought positively? That is exactly the life’s causative superpower. That power is in us and we take the strength to act away from it. How many times did you complain that you did not want something? And how many times later have you managed to achieve your goal with such a mindset? What we believe in shapes our world. It is not the situation in which we are in that sets the trend to our life but how we approach it emotionally. For one person a spring rain can be the best time for a walk, for another it will be a reason to complain and to get angry. It is our individual approach to matters that shapes our lives.

Do not listen to your mind

Do not listen to your mind which will give you a million of dark prompts. There is a ninety percent chance that they will not take place, these are just your deeply embedded convictions that cause you to believe in it and you still end up in the same place. Listen to the voice of your heart that is where the basis of the truth about you is. If the voice of your heart is telling you that you are in a wrong relationship with the wrong person, you might want to get out of it. We often look for people who give our life meaning whereas we can give meaning to it ourselves and be happy and fulfilled women. We will eventually fall into freezing water if we do not accept and love ourselves. Find your truths and stick to them as if they were the road sign to being a happy and brave woman. No matter how many mistakes you have made along the way because who has not made them? I think that there are no failures in life, there are only lessons and you are either successful or you have a lesson to learn on how to be a better you.


Listen to your heart and do not let other persuade you that you have chosen the wrong path because you know best.
Think positively about yourself
be patient. Life finds a way.
Point positive road signs to your life and you will reach a place where your deepest dreams are. Do not resist when you hear the voice of your heart. It is the right, causative voice that wants the best for you. Trust it and follow the direction of the


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