تحويل الروابط لدعم الموقع ليستمر في تقديم المحتوي بشكل مجاني

How to show yourself

How to show yourself


Dress to Impress

Whether we like it or not, people will always judge a book by its cover. Also, people will always have a stereotype of who we are just by looking at our clothes. My advice is to wear something based on the occasion. If you’re at work, and it’s very professional there, then use a tailored suit. It doesn’t have to be mega expensive. The key to dressing well is the fit. The materials used is also important but the fit is what will determine whether you look good on a suit or not. If you’re in a business conference, don’t try to be cool and wear shorts. First of all, you’re a d*ck if you do that. Second of all, you’re not going to be taken seriously by potential business partners. So dress according to the occasion. This will boost your confidence a lot. It’s been proven that wearing a nice fitting suit or dress makes you feel good about yourself. It’s not always cheap but the right pair of suit is always worth the price.

What you have to do ?

Go watch YouTube videos on what to wear during certain occasions. Dressing well can easily double your confidence as long as it is the right fit. The right dress will make you feel like a King or a Queen.

Momentum Builder

One of the most underrated confidence-builder is momentum. When you feel like the momentum is on your side, keep going and don’t stop working! When it feels like everything you touch turns into gold, the keep on reaching! This is not the time to stop and reflect. This is the time to take action. Trust me, momentum can shift fast. So use it to your advantage. Momentum seems to work not just in the physical aspect of the word, but also in our actions. Stuff like writing every day, selling your products, or winning sports games. Momentum is powerful and it can build your confidence fast. Just ride the wave and keep working.
Notice when you’re having a momentum in what you’re doing. Did you get a 4 game winning streak? Great, keep doing the same thing that helped you win 4 straight games. Don’t change strategy. Don’t overthink things and just follow


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