تحويل الروابط لدعم الموقع ليستمر في تقديم المحتوي بشكل مجاني

Look at Your Track


Look at Your Track

Record Another way to be confident is to look at your track record. Look at what the evidence suggest that you can use to justify being confident about yourself. So many of us undervalue our own experiences. “Oh, I’m just an entry level employee”, “oh I’ve only worked here for 3 years so 10yearsMatt is better than me.” Don’t undervalue your experience. Look at the things you’ve done no matter how little your experience is. Everybody starts small. The achievement doesn’t have to be mind-blowing either. You don’t have to compare yourself to other people to do this thinking exercise.

Action Guide:

Look back at your experiences and think of all the “mini achievements” that you’ve done. I promise you that you will find lots of small things to be proud of. It could be an award from your team leader. It could be a process that you create for your team. It could be a 2nd place trophy. It could be anything related to your skill. Make a list and name it “My Confidence Foundation.” Try to come up with at least 10 and read it every week for additional motivation. This is true confidence, backed by proof that you can actually do something awesome.

Eliminate Your Ego

As I told you before, your ego is different from your self-confidence. Self-confidence is real. Ego is destructive. Ego is the voice that says you’re better than everybody, even though you’re really not. Ego is the voice that says you can have everything even though your current action doesn’t support that kind of thinking. Ego is the voice that says “f*ck everybody! It’s me against the world.” Don’t let yourself be consumed by this voice. It may feel good at first. But it’ll eventually lead you to a crash! The ego says you’re too good to hang out with your old friends anymore… Develop this kind of thinking and The Universe, God or whatever force you want to call it will bring you back down to the ground. The ego said “I’m the Best Ever” even though the evidence suggests otherwise. Let others praise you from what you’ve already done, not what you are yet or about to do.

Action Guide:

Notice when the ego is creeping in. Notice when you feel moral superiority against others. Stay humble, keep your head down and just do the work. If you’re good, then people will notice. Don’t mistake being the best as the man who shouts the loudest.


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