تحويل الروابط لدعم الموقع ليستمر في تقديم المحتوي بشكل مجاني

Surround Yourself with Good People

Surround Yourself with Good People 


“You are the average of the 5 people you hang out with” We all heard this before. In fact, this has become a cliché that people do not seem to value its importance anymore. But there’s a reason why it has become a cliché. Because it’s true.

If you want to be successful

If you want to be successful, and all your friends does every Friday night is party, then hanging out with them won’t help you achieve your goals. When I say “surround yourself with good people,” I don’t just mean good in a moral sense of the word. I mean good as in “I’m working on improving myself too” sense of the word. Find the right people and hang-out with them. Eventually, you’ll notice your own improvement just by hanging out with the right people, who also have the same goals as you.

It is hard

As hard as it is to do, you have to cut off some people in your lives. Cutting off people doesn’t mean you stop being friends with them. It only means that you have to spend less time and energy with them. It’s hard to be a successful basketball player if all your friends are alcoholic. It’s impossible to become a good employee if all your friends hate their jobs. Start making new friends that you know are going to make you better. Attend a seminar to meet some like-minded people, attend a boot camp to meet other people who wants to improve themselves. Go find where they hang out, make friends and keep lifting each other up.

Face Your Fears

Facing your fears may be nerve-racking. But it has so many benefits that your life will change just by facing each fear with an open mind. So many of us never face our fears because we’re afraid of failures. We justify it to ourselves by saying “If I never try, I’ll never fail at it,” but the truth is you already failed by not trying in the first place. You already failed because you didn’t become who you are supposed to be.

How do you face your fears?

You start with your smallest fears. You start with fears that doesn’t have a big impact in your life. Let’s say one of your fears is talking to a cashier (yes, this condition exists). Create a plan on how you can approach a cashier without being awkward. Maybe on your first attempt, you just give your order and then smile a little bit at the cashier. Then you go find another store… this time, you’ll then talk to the cashier (maybe ask for some item), then smile and say thank you. The point is to make it a process. Make the commitment small enough that you can do it easily. Remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day.

What are your fears?

Make a list and start facing the smallest one you know you can beat! This will help you get a much needed confidence boost.

Set a Small Target

The more you achieve, the more you build your self-confidence. That’s why I recommend starting out by setting small targets. I know that every guru you see nowadays always say “Think Big! The sky is the limit!” Setting small targets doesn’t mean you’re thinking small. It just means you’re thinking long-term. You’re thinking about improving along the process as your targets gets bigger and bigger. There’s nothing wrong with starting small. Remember the consistent small wins leads to long-term big wins. Success is only a combination of small things done consistently. Set small targets. These tiny successes will lead you to your breakthrough, thus giving you more confidence to go for the bigger fishes in the sea.
What is one small thing you can do every day that will directly lead you to your goal? Do it consistently and adjust to what works as you go along the process.


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