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The First Step to Your abundance

The First Step to Your abundance 

 Know what you want and you CAN have it.

If I were to randomly go out on the streets and ask the first 100 people that I encountered what they really want in life, 99 of them would not be able to answer me. Because in this day and age most of our basic needs are met without much thought and effort, we have become mentally lazy. Thinking is the simplest thing one can do, yet it is not the easiest thing to do. If I were to conduct an experiment and ask people what they really want in life, the reason most of them would not know what they want is because most people aren’t willing to take the time to sit down, piece of paper on hand, and REALLY think about it. Yeah, many will say “more money” or “a nicer home”, but that is too general.
To really know what you want is to know the exact measure of your desire. If you say “I want more money” then the universe might respond to you by making you aware of a penny that has fallen out of someone’s pocket onto the street. If you say “I want a car,” the universe may respond by bringing you a broken down car that someone has no use for anymore. When you ask the universe for more, you need to hold a vivid and detailed picture in your mind of the thing you want. For example, instead of asking the universe for “a new car” you could restate your wish the following way: “I own a beautiful 2019 pearl white Cadillac Escalade.” As you state the words with your mouth you must also create the feeling within of already possessing the thing you want, and when you state your wishes, it is important that you do so in the present tense as this aids the process of impressing in your subconscious mind the feeling that what you wish for is already in your possession. Having a clear mental picture and stating the words with your mouth can speed up your manifestations. Use this technique with everything that you might desire. If you wish for health, picture yourself healthy and vibrant.
If you wish for love, picture yourself with your ideal partner, talk to them in your visualization, ask them questions, hear them tell you how much they love you and tell them how much you love them. This technique is very powerful and it must also be practiced on a consistent basis.

Write your wish in detail

The second step in this process is to write down your desires with the same exactitude and detail as you have put into your mental picture. Get out a sheet of paper and write down the things that you want in order of their importance to you. When you write down your wants, don’t be afraid of asking for too much; continue to add to your list as the days go by and feel free to change anything on it since your wishes may change with time. After you have completed your list, make sure you read it two to three times daily, preferably right before going to bed at night and right after waking up in the morning.
The reason for this is that it’s during these two times that your subconscious mind is closest in connection to its infinity source, making it more receptive to and easily impressed by your thoughts and words. If you want to speed up the process of imprinting your subconscious mind with your desires, it is also a good practice to write your wishes in small sticky notes and place them throughout your house. Put one on your mirror so that you can see it in the morning. Put one in your kitchen, inside your closet, on the side of your computer monitor, in the dashboard of your car, etc. I will also advise to invest on products and activities that reinforce your beliefs. Use websites like meetup.com to join groups of people in your local area that hold similar beliefs, invest and learn from programs that enable you to expand your knowledge and allow you to interact with communities of like-minded individuals, and invest in products that will help you keep your thoughts organized such as planners, journals, and other items.

Distress on a test

I was recently approached by a close friend of mine who was looking for advice. She was in a great deal of distress because she was about to take a very important assessment that would determine whether she would qualify to become a candidate for the nursing program that her school offered. She explained to me her concern and worry, as this test was based on an academic subject that she had struggled with her whole life.
She also explained that this was her second attempt at taking this test and that she had failed miserably at her first attempt; she basically had no room to fail again. My first suggestion was to release any type of fear and worry that she had towards taking this test. Fear and worry are very strong feelings that quickly sabotage any progress and can quickly imprint the subconscious mind.

I then advised her to write down five to ten times per day the score that she wished to receive in this test, as well as to fade into sleep with the feeling of accomplishment every night. A few days later my friend called me with excitement and announced the good news: she had passed the test with ease! She also stated that writing down her desired score played a big part in her success, as each time she wrote the number on paper gave it her the confidence that she needed in order to pass without difficulty. When you write down what you want enough times to create an imprint in your subconscious mind, you no longer hold the energy of a wish in your mind; you will have then transferred some of that energy into physical form, increasing the likelihood that it will happen. Keep things to yourself The last step of this very effective process is to keep your wishes to yourself. The more you talk about your wishes to other people, the more your mental energy will dissipate, thus delaying the manifestation of your wish or form of accomplishment. By talking about your desires you may also attract criticism from those who don’t believe in the possibility of manifesting your desires, and these people may discourage you in the process. I once met a man who had gotten a job that required a much longer daily commute than his previous one. He did not believe that his current vehicle could endure the daily driving for much longer than a couple of months, and so he wanted to replace it. After receiving my advice to write down his desire, he took the time to detail the exact make, model, color, year, and appearance of the new car that he wished to have. Another bit of important advice that I gave him was to take a few minutes every day to visualize himself in the new car, to see himself feeling the leather in the seats, smelling the new car smell and feeling the emotion of already owning such machine. While this prospective new car owner followed most of my advice as directed, he forgot about one thing: he neglected to keep quiet about it. He proceeded to tell everyone about his new wish and his plan for accomplishment. He told everyone he knew that in the near future he would be seen driving and enjoying such car, he even posted a picture of it on social media accounts and proceeded to state the same. A few weeks later his old car completely broke down, just as he had feared, and he was left in desperation to buy a car that did not completely align with the description of the one he wanted.


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