تحويل الروابط لدعم الموقع ليستمر في تقديم المحتوي بشكل مجاني

The Right behavior

The Right Words 

Every set of market will always have their own “insider terms.” These are the terms that are being used in their inner circle. If you don’t know about these terms, then there’s no way you will be able to connect with them. Let’s say that you are an internet marketer… Then you must know words like: squeeze page, landing page, SEO, click through rate and all that mumbo jumbo. These are normal terms in their world.

How to connect with them

How will you be able to connect with them if you have no idea what these terms means? Knowing the right words means that you are “in” the group. It means that you are part of the tribe. When you don’t know the market’s language, then It will feel like being in a foreign country. You’ll feel lost because you won’t understand what they’re saying. But the moment you learn (and they realize that you know) how to speak their language, you instantly become part of the ecosystem. You can now socialize and now have the ability to connect.

What these words mean

Study the “insider terms” of your market and know exactly what these words mean. In addition, learn how to use them in conversations. It’s not enough that you know what it means. You also have to know what it does and its importance in the market.

The Right Body Language

Your body language speaks volume about what you’re conveying. Sometimes, your words may say one thing but your body language will show another. The most important ones to know are eye contact, hand gestures, and posture. For eye contact, it's always a good idea to follow the 50% rule. Look in the eyes of the person you're talking to 50% of the time. Staring at her for the entire conversation is just plain creepy! For the hand gestures, put your hand on the side 50% of the time and then use your hand when you’re discussing something a little bit more interesting. For the posture, stand up straight/sit up straight with your shoulders back. When you’re trying to show that you’re interested and listening attentively, move your head a little bit forward to the direction of your conversation partner. These are the basics that will help you get started in improving your social skills via body language.
Choose one body language and start applying it on your next conversation. You will feel awkward in the beginning because you’re going to think about what you’re doing. So relax and listen to your friend attentively. Once you’ve done this enough, it’ll start to feel more natural to you and you’ll immediately see the benefits of getting your body language on point.


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