تحويل الروابط لدعم الموقع ليستمر في تقديم المحتوي بشكل مجاني



Meeting other animals

Socialising a dog is an important activity which is done through playing with members of its own species and other animals. Its advisable to get your companion accustomed to being around his fellow creatures from a young age. He should be able to tell the difference between his friends and animals he doesn't know. A dog that plays with every dog he comes across is a poorly trained dog.


No more holes

Dogs naturally dig holes when they smell prey or want to bury a bone. In these cases, they will fill them in again themselves. However, if you notice that your companion wont stop this excessive digging, you need to find out more. Your pet is anxious and is calming himself down by expending energy. You need to get advice as quickly as possible to find out what's troubling him.


Stealing food

Dogs learn from a very young age that the food they are allowed to eat is found in their bowl. Pets that start stealing whatevers within reach are either hungry or have n self control. This behaviour is quite common among hyperactive dogs that find it impossible to reason and forget the basic rules when they're excited.



Throwing toys for your dog and getting him to fetch them is not an innate behaviour. Most dogs, whatever their breed, will chase objects but they wont necessarily bring them back. It's worth teaching him to fetch from a young age. Use a lead and pull gently on it once your companion has retrieved the toy. Praise him when he brings it back to you.



Getting your dog to heel will require a lot of patience. Start by putting on him on the lead and letting him roam. Call him in a neutral tone. If he doesn't listen, pull gently on the lead to attract his attention. Praise him each time he comes back but above all don't tell him off if he doesn't come to you. Repeat the exercise as many times as necessary.


Playing tug

Its not advisable to play tug with a pet dog. This game consists of taking a toy, which your dog bites on to and pulling, whoevers strongest wins. This game may make your dog forget who's in charge, especially if he sometimes wins the game. Your companion may then think he can challenge you.



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