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Mistakes to Avoid in Options Trading (Chapter 1)

 Mistakes to Avoid in Options Trading   

 Trading is not an easy thing. Most of you do not know that. You just start the business with no plans, tips, and strategies. How do you even expect to survive? Entering into the options trading game with so much excitement, forgetting the crucial things you need to do will lead you nowhere. Mistakes eventually arise, and you become stranded on what to do. You will be informed of some of the mistakes traders commit and the ways you can shun from those mistakes.    

Common Options Trading Mistakes   

There are several common mistakes that traders commit while trading options. Below is a detailed list you can go through it.   Lacking a trading plan. Most traders enter into the options trading game without a plan. You have got a high potential for loss. Failure to organize you into trading is preparing to fail. Without guidelines, you cannot make it in trading. All your goals of making money will be destroyed. When you buy or sell that option, you will be incurring a lot of losses. Lacking an exit strategy. When your plans fail to work out, what do you do? Do you just implement rushing decisions on your trading? An escape plan comes in handy here. Having an exit plan is very crucial in all trading. You can control your profits and losses. Most traders fail to have a detailed escape plan, which makes them fail tremendously. You lose all your money and fail in trading. Having ignorance at the time of expiry. 

Options have a date of expiration. It is an important factor when purchasing calls and buying put options. Most traders fail to recognize this factor and end up messing up the last minute. Options lose their value when you are closer to the time of expiration. Buying options with the mentality that they are cheap. Cheap is expensive. 

Cheap options have lower premiums compared to the expensive ones. You will earn little or no cash with cheap options with many losses. Options that are out of the money are not friendly at all, especially for beginners in options trading. Selecting the wrong trade. Working on a trade that you cannot handle can land you into big trouble. There is a high potential for bigger risks. Work on the trade you can manage to succeed. Putting effort into complex stuff than your ability is a total failure. Many traders who get themselves on the wrong trade lose a lot of their money and precious time. Depending on guesswork. Too much guesswork in options trading is a risky game. 

Guesswork like the rise and fall in the stock’s price is not an advisable strategy. You should take advantage of the tools of research, analysis, and education materials. Tools for analysis help in analyzing outcomes in a detailed manner as compared to guesswork. Education materials will empower your knowledge a lot in trading, and you will be aware of the basic concepts. The research tool will assist in the formulation of strategies to be used in trading. The use of guesswork will surprise you a lot with the trading failures. Ignoring protective stop loss. Failing to have a stop loss is a really bad idea. 

You can fail tremendously in trading. Most traders, who prefer to cheap options, wait to go out of the market when the option becomes fruitful, or it declines when it reaches the time of expiration. Being over-optimistic. Optimism is always acceptable though being over-optimistic is another bad idea. Options trading are all about performing some mathematical calculations and coming up with the right figures for your returns and losses. Putting a positive mind always is not healthy in trading since many risks are involved here. You need to be prepared for the losses that might occur and be ready enough to handle them. Using only one strategy. 

There exists some information about the many strategies you can implement in options trading. You need to go through the many strategies before deciding you will settle on which strategy. You not advised to rely on only one strategy. Having different strategies will help a lot. In case one trading strategy fails yet you are in a critical situation, you can implement another successful strategy as quickly as possible. Your trading will experience no delay. You should consider mostly the simple and crucial strategies that are needed to be implemented in all options trading. 

An example of the strategies is the covered call strategy.  Trading with a bigger bite. What’s all with the rush? A successful money-making procedure requires smaller and sure moves other than big and weak moves. Take your time in trading and go at the right speed. Do not be so greedy for the money that you make complex decisions ending up losing everything. Good things take time. You need to accept that fact. When you utilize much of your cash, there are higher chances of bigger losses other than just spending a little money.  

Lacking persistence and consistency. Trading is not like any other business that makes a huge amount of money just in the few days after entering the business. First and foremost, trading is tough and risky. You need to persist with all the risks and also be consistent. Most traders give up when there are occurrences of risks in trading. Keep pushing hard and of course, everything will work out fine. Failing to accept uncertainties. All markets have imperfections.


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